Q. Who owns the imagery?

A. The copyright to the imagery is held by the photographer and licensed out to vendors for a particular usage that fits their needs. Typically, a broad license is conveyed that includes all of the the needs of an architect or designer such as web usage, project profiles, social media, promotion, etc. If you wish to own the rights to the imagery or hold an exclusive license where you have more control over the content, you would need to specify that beforehand so that it can be estimated appropriately.

Q. How does a multi-party shoot work?

A. I encourage clients to pursue cost sharing whenever possible as it reduces total cost per party and is incredibly efficient. An additional license is added to the estimate for each party and then the total cost is split evenly between all parties. All parties need to sign on before the shoot and contribute to the planning and production. If a party comes to to the table after a project is completed and invoiced, they will need to purchase images outside of the production at a per image price.

Q. How is a shoot typically planned?

A. Every production is different and requires a different approach but there is a general framework that is applicable to most situations. Each shoot begins with a discovery and pre-production phase where I will ask for any recent images from the project and information about the project itself, typically in the form of a pre-estimate and pre-shoot questionnaire. I will generally work with the marketing and design team over phone or in person to talk about the intent of the project, what spaces need to be captured and how we will achieve that. After a meeting, call, or walk through, the information is collected and turned into a marked up blueprint or shot list that will be our working document for the shoot day.

Q. How do we get our models for the shoot?

A. It depends on the project type and how much natural foot traffic is on site. If it's an educational project, there is generally enough natural human activity to capture without needing to schedule or plan for models to be on location. If there is any concern about available people, I will suggest that the client bring people from their office to be in the shots. In those cases, I find the best solution is to break the day down into 3 or 4 time slots with a few people for each slot. We will also schedule willing participants for the duration of the day if schedule allows for it. Please bring props such as laptops, notebooks, or any items and wardrobe that is relevant to your project type.

Q. What if a magazine or publication wants to use the imagery?

A. Most magazines will provide a fee to the photographer for usage of the imagery, especially when they're actively seeking out that project or content for their publication. Many magazines will try to avoid paying fees and may try to pass that financial responsibility on. Generally, if work is being used by a for profit company in a product that is being sold, additional compensation will be required.

Q. What if a vendor (contractor, builder, etc) wants to use the imagery?

A. Please put them in touch with me directly and I'll provide the licensing and cost information.

Q. How many shots can you do in a day?

A. It varies based on project size, preparedness, cleanliness of space(s), red tape, how much styling or modeling is needed, etc. but I routinely hit the ballpark of around 15 images per day. We're sometimes able to be more prolific but it is not always the case. It's okay to mark up a few extras in the notes or plans, but please specify which are expendable. My estimated number of images is based on creating images that match the quality and aesthetics of my portfolio.

Q. What if our client doesn't want images of their space being used anywhere or being licensed out to additional vendors?

A. You or your client would need to purchase exclusivity to the imagery and that would need be estimated for prior to shooting.

Q. Could you do video and stills in one day?

A. Typically no, but it depends on the quantity of content needed and the approach. If you need significant stills and video coverage, please plan for an additional day to execute the video content.

Q. Is your pricing flexible?

A. My pricing is firm but I offer additional rates for smaller firms and independent designers.

Q. What are your rates for small firms and independent designers?

Drop me an email intro or fill out this form and I'll send over a rate sheet. The adjusted fee is based on the number of employees at the firm. If you're an independent designer or recent graduate that is truly without resources but you've recently completed something important to you and your development, connect with me and tell me about your project. I enjoy working with people who are innovating at all levels and care about ensuring my work is available to those at every stage.